Welcome to "Memento Mori," a captivating gacha game that unfolds a mesmerizing tale of justice in the midst of fragile hearts on the verge of shattering. In this enchanting world, ordinary girls are bestowed with slightly extraordinary powers, earning them the moniker of "witches." As the land succumbs to calamity, these once-praised witches find themselves plunged into a realm of fear and detestation.

Embark on a journey where the threads of fate intertwine with the delicate emotions of our protagonists. The hauntingly beautiful narrative follows the struggles of these young witches, as they grapple with the burden of their unique abilities in a society that misunderstands and condemns them. Unravel the mysteries of their pasts, discover the depth of their friendships, and witness the sacrifices they make on their quest for justice.

"Memento Mori" invites players to collect and summon a diverse cast of witches, each with their own captivating stories, abilities, and vulnerabilities. Immerse yourself in the lush, atmospheric landscapes, where every encounter brings you closer to the truth behind the calamity that has befallen the land. Unleash the powers of your witch allies strategically in turn-based battles, and forge alliances to overcome formidable adversaries.

With stunning visuals, an emotionally resonant soundtrack, and a compelling narrative, "Memento Mori" offers a gacha gaming experience that transcends the ordinary. Dive into a world where justice is not just a pursuit but a testament to the strength found within the fragile hearts of those society deems as witches. Are you ready to confront the shadows and rewrite the fate of these extraordinary girls? The journey awaits, and the power to change destinies lies in your hands.

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